The Key To Success

May 15, 2023by April Jarrett

Do you consider yourself successful? As you ponder that question, what goes through your mind? Do you think about your career, your finances, your relationships? What is your definition of success? It is so important that we ask ourselves this question. Without a clear vision of what success means to us, how will we ever achieve it? We often attach success to external accomplishments such as landing a high-profile position, reaching a certain financial benchmark, getting married, being known in our field, etc. While these may all be strive-worthy goals, are they truly indicators of success? If you are working in a lucrative career, renowned in your field but are not happy, have you really achieved success?

The late Maya Angelou said, “success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it, ” and I wholeheartedly agree! The true measure of success is not based on what’s happening on the outside, the true measure of success is all about what’s happening on the inside. Don’t get so caught up trying to chase possessions, position, status, and recognition that you miss the true measure of success, a whole and healthy you! Do you like yourself? Do you like what you do and how you do it? If yes, then great, you are successful! If no, then take some time to identify what you must do to change your answer to yes. When you achieve your yes, you will have true success.

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Inspirational Quote

“Today is a brand new day! Don’t use yesterday’s experiences to set your expectations for today. You have never lived this day before, you are in unchartered territory….the possibilities are endless!” – April Jarrett

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